Interior designer´s advice:
How to furnish apartment or house.
What should you avoid when designing your dream interior and what, on the contrary should you focus on? In this article, experienced designers from our interior studio InaAs will advise you on how to properly grasp the designing of your home.
Use the services of proffesionals
The first and most important step you should consider before starting the process of designing your property is to contact interior designer. The view of the expert is, among other things, enriched by many years of experiences and contacts. A good designer can take on your requirements, anticipate possible collisions and also coordinate project implementation activities. Many people reject this option because of myths about higher costs. It is important to realize that in the end well- designed and implemented project will save you a lot of money.
Reconstruct with feeling
The desire for a new, modern interior can cloud someone´s eyes so much that they can easily overlook the beauty and potential of the original space. Cutting down partitions, lowering ceilings and edging every room with palsterboard is not automativally the best choice. Under the cheap carpet you can find a well-preserved wooden floor that is well sanded and wall plasterboard can hide an old brick which can create nice basis of design.
Stop hoarding
A family house often has a large floor area than apartments and provides greater comfort when it comes to storage space. But don´t be fooled. Even in the house, it should not be exaggerated with a lot of unnecessary decorations and „dust traps“. The interior must breathe in all circumstances and decorations should only complete it, not dominate it. The couch covered with dozens of pillows or various statuettes and vases that you have brought from all over the world do not have to flatter the interior. Even a superbly designed interior can be dishonored with such an approach.
Entirety of an interior
You have fallen in love with the Provence-style kitchen, your daughter likes the kitsch crystal and the pink carpet and the husband would love the living room with a leather couch and metal furniture. I probably won´t surprise you if I tell you that this would not work. The interior must be seen as a whole and individual rooms should match.
Apartment Interior
Sometimes it can happen that despite enough square meters, the room is very difficult to furnish and one begins to despair. The second common problem with apartments is the lack of space and the feeling that you can´t handle standard furnishing.
Custom furniture
Furnishing small spaces with commonly available products can be tricky. Atypical- custom furniture seems to be the best choice. The carpenter´s equipment not only solves specific space requirements, but also your specific needs and adapts to your figure. If all members of your household are 2meters, why not design custom kitchen unit 1050 mm high, instead of the standard 900mm? Such a simple adjustment will ensure that you will feel good in the kitchen and you will not get unnecessarily tired.
When designing the layout, the architect should consider where to place the storage spaces. Especially in a small apartment is an important issue. To avoid the interior clutter, you need to set it up for multifuntional spaces and furnitures.
Harmonious color scheme
There are planty material solutions for every piece of your interior. The use of material in its natural form represents one of the essential approaches on the way to a quality interior. Try to avoid cheap imitations and do not be afraid to bet on wood, metal, brick, stone or even clay. It will come back to you in the form of a healthy and a guarantee of surface durability. Take advantage of the natural colour and properties of such surfaces, let them get a specific patina.
Experimentujte s materiálmi
Na trhu nájdete množstvo materiálových riešení, pre každý kúsok vášho interiéru. Využitie materiálov vo svojej prirodzenej podobe predstavuje jeden z esenciálnych prístupov na ceste ku kvalitnému interiéru. Snažte sa vyhnúť lacným napodobeninám a nebojte sa staviť na drevo, kov, tehlu, kameň či dokonca hlinu. Vrátia vám to v podobe zdravého interiéru a záruky trvácnosti povrchov. Využite prirodzenú farebnosť a vlastnosti takýchto povrchov, nechajte ich získať si špecifickú patinu.
Ľudská mierka
Mierka a proporcie sú alfa a omega. V miestnosti bežnej veľkosti sa sústreďte na to, aby bol štýl vášho nábytku relatívne jemný a nie príliš neohrabaný alebo nadmerne veľký. Vyberte si pohovku s elegantnejšími, jemnejšími detailmi, akými sú napríklad kovové nohy. To povzbudí pocit vzdušnosti, pretože nebude pôsobiť ako veľký ťažký blok uprostred miestnosti.
Kvalitný návrh interiéru rodinného domu či bytu samozrejme obsahuje omnoho viac. Práve kvôli jeho komplexnosti je vhodné, zveriť ho do rúk odborníkom a predostrieť im vaše požiadavky. Spoločnou úvahou sa dopracujete k projektu, ktorý vám bude dobre slúžiť desiatky rokov bez nutnosti závažných zmien a investícií.